Group FAQs

Common Art Therapy Group Questions

Curious to know more about our art therapy groups before you register?
We’ve gathered some of our most commonly asked questions in one place so you can make an informed decision.

Is an art therapy group right for me?

We’re glad you asked! First of all, you do not have to be creative or an artist – art therapy is for everyone.

An art therapy group is right for you if…

  • You have been struggling to get past a concern in your life, or
  • You want to work in tandem with your talk therapist, or
  • You have been doing talk therapy for awhile and want to do something different, or
  • You don’t have a talk therapist and an art therapy group seems more approachable, or
  • You’re someone who doesn’t want to talk much in therapy, or
  • A group seems less intimidating than individual therapy, or
  • You appreciate alternative forms of healing.

If you still have questions, we can help determine if a group is right for you. Contact us to schedule a 15-minute consultation.

What's the difference between an art therapy group and a wellness workshop?

While we might use the same art materials in art therapy groups and wellness workshops, the activity and the reason behind the activity have different goals.

Our goal for an art therapy group is for you to experience transformation around improving symptoms and gaining understanding of circumstances. Each group is designed as a place to discover and explore the related symptoms and diagnosis that group members have in common. A qualified Art Therapist leads the group and a diagnostic assessment is required. (See What is a DA)

Our goal for a wellness workshop is to focus on your inner strengths, build coping strategies, and teach skills to improve your overall wellbeing. You will be able to use these skills on your own at home to improve or manage your wellbeing. A Masters-level intern may be leading this group and you do not need a diagnostic assessment.

What happens in an art therapy group?

We begin each session with a short introduction and a brief meditation on the topic to help you focus. Then you’ll make art based on the topic with music playing in the background. The therapist will have strategically selected the project and art materials you will use. We close the session by sharing and reflecting on our art pieces.

Do I have to be 'good at art' to do art therapy?

No, you do not need to be an artist to do art therapy! Art therapy is about the process and not the end product. We use art making as a therapeutic tool.

How many people are in a group?

Our in-house art therapy groups have up to 8 participants and 1-2 facilitators.
Our in-house wellness workshops have up to 12 participants and 1-2 facilitators.

Do I need a referral to join an art therapy group?

No, you do not need a referral to join an art therapy group.

Do you accept insurance?

Yes! We offer insurance for our art therapy groups through our partner Parasol Wellness Collaborative. We take insurance from most major providers and are able to submit for out of network reimbursement. For a list of current providers, visit their website

Please note that as a client you are responsible for knowing your insurance providers coverage limits and are advised to contact the insurance companies directly prior to initiating services to verify coverage. This step helps to eliminate surprises in the billing process.

Wellness workshops are fee based and are not eligible for insurance coverage.

What is a DA or Diagnostic Assessment?

A diagnostic assessment, often referred to as a “DA”, is an initial meeting with a therapist to discuss your medical and mental health history, life experiences, relationships, medications, physical and social concerns, and symptoms. It helps your therapist determine if you have a diagnosable mental health issue so they can collaborate with you to figure out a treatment plan.

If you are currently seeing a therapist, we will need a copy of your DA. After you have registered, you will receive instructions by email on how to upload it to our client portal. Do NOT send it to us by email as that method is not secure.

If you do not have a current DA, one that has been completed in the past twelve months, your therapist can help you with that. If you do not have a therapist we can complete a Diagnostic Assessment with you.

Do I need to attend every week?

When you register for an art therapy group, you are making a commitment to your personal well-being. That’s a big step! To honor your commitment, we’ve designed our programs so you will gain the most benefit when you attend every session.

What if I need to cancel?

Contact us by email at


at least 24 hours in advance to avoid fees. Provide your first and last name along with the name of the art therapy group.

If you need to cancel your registration before the session begins, let us know as soon as possible so we can offer your seat to someone else.

Where is Art Lab Rx located?

Our address is 1613 99th Lane NE, Blaine, Minnesota. We’re in a long warehouse building where you’ll see our door with our Art Lab Rx logo. Directions are in the Resources section of our Schedule page.

Do I need to bring anything with me to a group?

We provide all the art materials and supplies you’ll need! Plus we offer water, coffee, and tea to keep it simple and easy.

Our warehouse space can be a tad chilly in the winter months so plan accordingly. You may also want to dress for mess or you can wear one of our aprons to protect your clothes.  It’s up to you!

Art Lab Rx, LLC
1613 99th Lane NE
Blaine, MN 55449

Phone: 612-226-5472

Art Lab Rx, LLC was created in 2015 by Lisa M. Lounsbury. Art Lab Rx is a registered trademark. © 2023 Art Lab Rx. All rights reserved.   Artwork on this site was created by Lisa M. Lounsbury unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.