Seeing the Light Through Darkness

Most of us are having a really tough time right now. At the same time, beautiful things are happening all around us. At the beginning of the pandemic, when my business came to a complete halt, I had my own version of a three-year-old temper tantrum. It wasn’t pretty, but emotions are natural. It’s ok […]
Creative Break: Art In Community

In March, when my business suddenly changed, like most everyone else’s, I was no longer facilitating in-house art therapy groups. I felt a deep loss. It was then that I realized how important it was to me to be creating within a community and interacting with people about their artwork. It was very clear that […]
Telehealth for Art Therapy

Did you know you can do art therapy through telehealth? If you are feeling more and more stressed right now and haven’t seen a Therapist before, this is a great time to start. Art therapy through Art Lab Rx is the perfect place to begin. You do not need to be an artist to benefit […]