Caring for the Caregiver

A kind word, a thoughtful gesture, or simply looking into someone’s eyes while smiling may be all it takes to let others know they are seen and heard, it shows care and compassion. We all know that, but it really strikes home when we are the recipient. I experienced this in December when I was […]
On the Open Road

We are all designed for a purpose. Unfortunately, the challenges of life often become roadblocks that prevent us from identifying and pursuing our goals and dreams.
Seeing the Light Through Darkness

Most of us are having a really tough time right now. At the same time, beautiful things are happening all around us. At the beginning of the pandemic, when my business came to a complete halt, I had my own version of a three-year-old temper tantrum. It wasn’t pretty, but emotions are natural. It’s ok […]
Embracing Discomfort

In this whole process of change, we’re spending more time in our homes than ever and we’ve needed to use our space differently. Many people are using this time to remodel their homes and yards. I wonder if, like me, they are seeing the spaces in their homes from a different perspective; realizing what works […]
Creative Break: Art In Community

In March, when my business suddenly changed, like most everyone else’s, I was no longer facilitating in-house art therapy groups. I felt a deep loss. It was then that I realized how important it was to me to be creating within a community and interacting with people about their artwork. It was very clear that […]
Shared Art

Friendships and human connections add meaning to our life. As a child, I loved getting a letter in the mail from my pen pal; a little gift opened with great anticipation. I had equal joy writing a letter in reply as I thought of her delight in receiving it. I learned at an early age […]

Have you taken the temperature of your mental health? The recent increase in using thermometers to check for symptoms of COVID-19 got me thinking about the general imbalance of attention to our mind with respect to our overall well-being. We may seek advice from a nutrition expert when we want to eat healthier, or look […]
Art Activity: Mosaic Collage

I don’t know about you, but during this stressful time I struggle to focus and my mind wanders more easily. To manage this, I’ve been using the art-making process of creating a mosaic collage out of old magazines, calendar pages, and advertisements. This art project involves ripping or cutting colorful paper into small pieces. Then […]
Art Activity: Found Objects Mandala

We need to move! It’s important for our mental and emotional well-being to get up and move around when we’re confined to our homes. Step outside to smell the fresh air and explore the world around you. Movement or exercise breaks up the monotony of being isolated indoors. Need a little incentive? Challenge yourself to […]
Telehealth for Art Therapy

Did you know you can do art therapy through telehealth? If you are feeling more and more stressed right now and haven’t seen a Therapist before, this is a great time to start. Art therapy through Art Lab Rx is the perfect place to begin. You do not need to be an artist to benefit […]